Monday, September 1, 2014

WORD 2day: 2nd September, 2014

To have the Mind of Christ

1 Cor 2: 10b-16 ; Lk 4: 31-37.

They believed firmly that no human being can ever deserve the love of God. All that one can do is live in fear of the wrath of God and live a righteous life in order to avoid punishment. Jesus turns the tables and makes it clear that one need not deserve to be loved... God loves us and that is all that matters. In his own self Jesus demonstrated how God is close to every human person and how compassionately in love God is, with God's children. It is not about begging God for love, but it is about claiming that love with authority that comes from the very fact that we are sons and daughters of that loving God.

Recently talking to a group of youngsters, I shared the same thought and it seemed like they took advantage of the concept of "claiming with the right of the children"... when I had to remind them, that it first requires that I live as a true son or a daughter, knowing my duties and my obligations, my priorities and pertaining choices! In short it is to have the Spirit of the Lord with us, who makes us realize that we are the sons and daughters of the Lord almighty. Above all these, to know our privilege as children, to understand the value of being God's sons and daughters: in straight terms, to have the mind of Christ!

WORD 2day: 1st September, 2014

Good Teachings and Right Teachings
1 Cor 2: 1-5; Lk 4: 16-30

The world today runs after so many preachers, sages, gurus, leaders, speakers, trainers, etc. There are many who practice it as a trade! Some have fans and followers across the globe. They are all good... talented... interesting... exciting... thought provoking. But the question is, how right are the teachings? It is important to differentiate good teachings from right teachings.

Teachings that are worded beautifully, formulated creatively and expressed attractively but do not lead to true harmony, self transcendence, compassionate love and mutual concern based on the fact that there is Some One who unites us all, invites all to form one beautiful community of brothers and sisters... how "right"are they?

The readings today give us a clarity: good teachings are based on human wisdom while the right teachings are founded on the power of God. The Gospel presents the sad fact that the world prefers the former to the latter.