Monday, March 30, 2015


Tuesday of the Holy Week: 31st March, 2015

'Hear me', 'Listen' calls the first reading today. This day, Jesus spent with his disciples and all those who were following him into Jerusalem from far and near... He taught them not because they were going to transform themselves ultimately, not because they were deserving of all his kindness and concern for them. No, definitely not! He did know how weak their flesh was in spite of the spirit that yearned to be strong. 

Today the challenge to us is to weigh our spirit and our flesh, our daily life and its priorities, against the love of God. Jesus not only knows the persons who will be soon turning against him, but that does not stop him all the same from loving them, speaking to them and being compassionate about them.

How much quality time do you spend with people who genuinely care for you?


Monday of the Holy Week: 30th March, 2015

'Six days before the passover', begins the Gospel today. And today was the day when Jesus entered the Temple of Jerusalem, and chased out the merchants and the money changers, expressing his burning zeal for the house of the Lord! That was the climax of the clash between him and his enemies, they thought he has reached the blasting point and they wanted to contain him as soon as possible! But Jesus knew where it is all leading.

The Cleansing Monday, invites us to look at things that we need to cleanse our soul of. We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit and does it need a cleaning at present? Right note to begin this journey of the week... by cleansing and preparing ourselves for all the events!