Sunday, December 27, 2020

Innocents! Massacred even today!


December 28, 2020: Feast of the Holy Innocents

1 John 1:5 -2:2; Matthew 2: 13-18

Innocents - those who are unaware of anything wrong, those who are unaware of the evil that surrounds them, those who are untouched by the sinfulness that threatens to swallow them. The feast today is a remembrance of millions of innocents who are sacrificed even today on the altars of selfishness, licentiousness, irresponsibility and insensitivity! 

The Church remains so strong with regard to abortions, because of the inviolable dignity that life possesses, right from its very beginning. The world is running swift into a dungeon of selfishness and cruelty, which does not even think of the others, leave alone wishing the good of the others. There are persons and systems which work together to exploit the innocent and the ignorant. As a people of God, we need to stand against such systems and uphold the inalienable rights of every child of God. Can we open our eyes to the innocents who are massacred even today!

Just two days ago we were presented with St. Stephen as the first martyr... but is Stephen truly the first martyr? What about the innocents who gave their life up for the sake of Christ! Yes, they did not make a choice to, but they did not have a choice! At times there are those who are not given even a choice...but in their innocent death are revealed great and profound truths.

The Innocence of the children and the innocence demanded of us: the difference is what is underlined in the first reading today. The innocence of the children was forced on them, they were helpless and vulnerable, but they were all for the Lord and the Lord's Reign. The innocence expected of us has to be of our choice, a choice that is well informed of one's own goodness and limitations. I am expected to make a choice for the Lord in spite of the weaknesses within me, overcoming them with a sense of total surrender to the Lord and the Lord's Reign.


The Solemnity of the Holy Family

27th December, 2020 - Genesis 15:1-6, 21:1-3; Hebrews 11: 8, 11-1217-19; Luke 2: 22-40

Celebrating the feast of Holy Family... we are given a challenging model, a role that we have to play as families in today's context.

The Holy family offered the Lord to the world: 
Do we offer the Lord to the world as families? 
Do we offer the Lord to wherever we live? 
Do our way of life offer the values of the Lord to our surroundings? 
Do the families and individuals around us have the Lord to take home from us, when they visit us?

The Holy family brought the Lord to Jerusalem: 
The Lord said he lives where two or three are gathered in the Lord's name! What about our families...aren't we gathered in the name of the Lord and by the holy will of God? If so, aren't our families responsible of bringing the Lord to the community, the gathering of the families? Are our Church gatherings, our communities real union of families or some mass of people congregated?

The Holy family created a space for the Lord to live with them: 
Have we created a concrete space for the Lord in our homes? It is not about the altars we have at home, neat and decorated. It is not about the pictures we hang or the calendars we stare at. It is about the living space, it is about a membership in the family!

The Holy family does more than just standing around and blessing us today! 
They challenge us to be bearers of the Lord to the world. Can we accept that challenge?