Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Saint Dominic Savio...May 6th, 2015

- the jewel of Don Bosco's Educative System

- the piece of cloth that made an excellent garment for the Lord, through Don Bosco the saintly tailor!

- the 14 year old boy who loved God above all

- the youngster who was matured much beyond his age

- the spiritually thirsting young lad, who was extremely pliable at the hands of his mentor

- the boy who fixed his gaze on sanctity and refused to take it away from there even for a passing moment

- the young soul to which God had revealed the true glory of the sacraments of confession and communion

- the adolescent who stuck to his original fervour, inspite of all the moments of discouragement and derision. 

WORD 2day: Uniting in the Lord

Wednesday, V week of Easter: 6th May, 2015
Acts 15: 1-6; Jn 15: 1-8

The responsorial psalm invites one to go to Jerusalem with rejoicing and we see two people going there in today's first reading: Paul and Barnabas. However, not with rejoicing but they go with a crisis. A noble fact is that they are insistent that they wouldn't burden the people unnecessarily. The forward thinking, right priorities and empathy for the believers are a few of the salient qualities that stand out in this passage. Apart from the crisis and the solution that they sought, the clear cut lesson is to understand the method of facing and resolving a crisis in 'Christ'ian terms. 

Banners and posters, anonymous letters and abusive posts, indecent demonstrations and political insinuations...none of these were used when the crisis arose. They simply got together. They united in the Lord, to find out what the Lord willed for them as one family of God. We cannot bear fruit apart from the Lord; we cannot bear much of them without uniting as one heart and one mind in the Lord! That readiness to unite gave a moral authority to the Early Christian Community and made them true and attractive witnesses (cf. Acts 2:47). 

What importance do I attach to uniting in the Lord?