Monday, November 16, 2015

WORD 2day : 16th November, 2015

Becoming one. ..but which one?

Monday,  33rd week in Ordinary Time
1 Maccabees 1:10-15,41-43,54-57,62-64; Lk 18: 35-43

Personally I stand much for interreligious dialogue and inculturation of faith. Some persons have found fault with me at times saying, 'you stand for interreligious dialogue and inculturation, but you do not allow such and such a thing. Is it not a discrepancy? '

It is important to realise what is an integral process of dialogue and inculturation. If only 'all becoming one' is the objective, then today we should be comfortable with what is happening around... all, in every field, everyone is becoming one in their selfishness and self seeking tendencies! It is our call to become one, but which one? Becoming one as a humanity, bound by true and wholesome values, standing for real freedom, dignity and solidarity, that is our task. That is what the Reign is all about.

Today, I am attending a funeral of a salesian priest who was born a Hindu but due to a wholesome dialogue found his meaning in the Catholic tradition, inculturated it and lived a life that was beautiful and integral. He never judged anyone but found his personal meaning and went all the way in living that meaning. That requires an eye of faith; let us cry out for it and the Lord will grant us!