Tuesday, November 26, 2013


The first Apostolic Exhortation from Pope Francis: EVANGELII GAUDIUM

Pope Francis presents to the Church the reflections on the basis of the Synod held last year on the theme of New Evangelisation. At an immediate glance this exhortation is the key note address of his papacy... as we know by now in his first 258 days (until today)... the oft repeated sentiments are - never losing Hope, total trust in the Mercy of God, never ending Forgiveness of God, going to the Peripheries in search of the last, least and the lost... these are all joyful presentation of the Gospel... the Holy Father emanates the same joy in the exhortation, inspite of taking stock of all the problems and crises that do exist!

The letter beckons our reading, as it comes from the heart of some one who has already won the hearts of such a vast number of persons in the world..specially his children in faith. Let us pay heed to the words of this shepherd and unravel in our lives the secret treasures that are in store for us, in living and proclaiming the Gospel in our daily lives!

Will soon post summaries of the chapters..one by one...

and for now, 

READ THE DOCUMENT HERE: click on the link below.

THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL - Apostolic Exhortation from Pope Francis: EVANGELII GAUDIUM

WORD 2day

26th November, 2013

This week's readings have a bi-dimensional orientation - a preparation towards advent (a new beginning) and at the same time a reflection on the end times. This is a truly Christian disposition: a bi-dimensional approach to life. A reflection on the end times has to be radically open to the new beginnings, lest it becomes a vain curiosity. A focus on the new beginnings, the new earth and new heaven, on the definitive coming of the Reign should have a mature openness towards the end time perspective, lest it remains a simplistic dream of an all-bright future, without any personal commitment to it. Dreams, visions and extra natural phenomenon have no value in themselves, unless they help a better living here and now, and a preparation for a more holistic future. The first reading and the Gospel today remind us of this need - the need to question ourselves on our life style, our criteria and choices in daily life - whether they are really worthy of the Reign, that we are called to announce to the world as disciples of Christ!