Saturday, January 9, 2016

WORD 2day : 9th January, 2016

Who should increase?
1 John 5:14-21 ; Jn 3: 22-30

I came across a poster highlighting the first reading of today which read: whatever we may ask, the Lord hears us! It is an assuring statement and a very strong affirmation but I am afraid it is not true to the Word. Yes... there is a small but a crucial phrase that is left out in between. That is,  "if it is in accordance with His will" - that is where we falter.

We think, all that we ask has to be given. True faith would say, 'not necessarily'. Even when I don't seem to be receiving what I am praying for (prayer anyway is not merely asking), I am calm and serene for I trust in the will of God. This will happen only when I decrease and God increases in me. At times even in our prayer and God deeds we concentrate so much on what we do and what we achieve that there is no much place for God and God's will. John the Baptist seems to offer us a wonderful lesson,  inviting us to allow the Lord to increase, and making our own self, or ego, decrease.

Even in our so called spiritual exercises let us beware who really is increasing. ..the Lord or me?