Monday, April 11, 2022



Tuesday, April 12: Isaiah 49:1-6; John 13: 21-33,36-38

Listen, pay attention... insists the Word today! That was what Jesus did too, to his disciples as they sat at the table. He warned them - we see that in the Gospel today. He did not do it, in an indirect or hidden way, he did it direct and clear: one of you will betray me! He said that and gave the dipped piece of bread to Judas, saying 'what you are going to do, do quickly.'  He could not have been more clearer than this. 

Peter, who was disturbed by that declaration, wanted so much to find out who it was that would betray the Lord. And Jesus seems to have told him, it is not important to find out who it is, but it is important to make sure, it is not you! Peter seems to be too sure of himself - and Jesus warns him too, a warning more direct than the prior one - you will disown me! 

Be it Judas, or Peter, they failed to listen; they failed to learn; they failed to understand what the Lord was telling them, so clear, loud and direct. Judas, out of his hardheadness and Peter out of his over-confidence. 

The warning is also for us, in our spiritual life. In persons who speak to us, in events that disturb our minds, in decisions that cause turbulence, in choices that thrust us into doubts, in certain happenings that push us into crisis... the Lord speaks, the Lord warns! Happy are those who are attentive to the warning and change their ways. 

It is easy to fall and lie down there, complaining against the circumstances, grumbling against the others, lamenting the lost opportunities and dreaming of suppositions and hypotheses, if only we had not made those choices! What is challenging and demanding is to listen to the Lord, pay heed to the Word, submit to the Spirit and walk diligently and consciously in our daily life, towards truth, love and integrity.