Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Rise of the Next-Gen


May 6, 2019: Celebrating St. Dominic Savio
3rd Monday of Easter - Acts 6: 8-15; John 6: 22-29

The Word begins to present to us the first generation after the Apostles! Apart from the apostles who were with Jesus, there were ardent disciples for Christ and the true people of the Way that Jesus showed. They began to imitate Jesus to the detail: an excellent example is Stephen, whose face shone like the Angel!

Jesus gives us the reason his face shone so: because he believed in the One who was sent! We too believe... yes! To what extent? Upto death? What does believing mean in practical terms: to follow what the Lord said and live what the Lord lived! Do we live after the example of the Lord? Do we carry out the Lord's teaching to the details?

Or are we clamouring after miracles and running after signs? Are we working for merely material well being or are we concerned about our own spiritual maturity? Looking at the Next-Gen of Christ...should we not take to our heart to be truly Christ-ians in our thought, word and deed?

We have a teenage saint whom we celebrate today... St. Dominic Savio - "a little giant of sanctity" as he was described at his canonisation. His secret was the total and absolute priority that he had given to the Lord and a life worthy of the Lord. Are we prepared to be truly Next-Gen Christians today?