Saturday, May 4, 2013

WORD 2day

4th May, 2013

Being accepted by the world, being loved by those around becomes a concern par excellence today! Rejection by someone close, indifference of someone considered a loved one, becomes so unacceptable and unbearable. When things happen in life, that are not in keeping with what we expect, however good the expectations may be, it makes us question the very basics of our life, sometimes even our faith. The ability of the apostles to see things that go wrong in the light of faith... as 'forbidden by the Holy Spirit' and 'not allowed by the Holy Spirit'... is a challenge for us today! From the perspective of faith, nothing can disturb us. But how much i need to grow in faith to have this childlike surety! Sure we will reach that state, when we "know" the One who loves us and sent His only son for our sake! Thank you Father, for your love.