Thursday, October 1, 2020

Learning to Unlearn


October 2, 2020: Feast of Guardian Angels
Job 38: 1, 12-21, 40: 3-5; Matthew 18: 1-5, 10

'From Knowledge to Ignorance' is a famous title of one of the Spiritual thinkers of India. It may sound a bit odd but there is deep truth in the perspective and that is the message of the Word and the feast today - learning to unlearn. We run the risk of getting too used to the great things that God keeps doing for us. At times, due to some setbacks that we could possibly experience in our life, or due to some troublesome moments or irreplaceable losses, we might tend to forget all that has gone by so well and so many things that are still in store, within the grandeur of the plan of God. After all, what are we but simple and foolish mortal beings!

The Feast of the Guardian Angels is an invitation to learn, to learn to unlearn, to learn to constantly learn every moment of our lives, and experience the accompaniment of the Lord in a concrete manner. Every moment of our lives, we are being watched over and protected in love. We believe in an accompanying God, a God who has promised, never to leave our side and to be with us till the end of this world. 

We hear in the first reading, how God challenges the attitude of questioning the eternal designs of God. We lack the Wisdom to understand the plans of God in all its details but with the little that we are capable of, we pretend to be masters of everything! It is important that we realise our limitedness inspite of our great acomplishments, that we acknowledge the wisdom in God's plan in spite of our nothingness. If our eyes are truly open to what is happening around, if our ears are genuinely open the Words that come from above, if our hearts are absolutely open to the promptings of the Lord, then we would open our lives to the Lord and we grasp the eternal sense according to the mind of God.

We would learn to see God present with us unceasingly, only if have the open mind of a Child, without prejudices and reservations, without judgements and pretensions. The Gospel instructs us against taking anyone for granted - because no one is alone! Every one is accompanied, by none less than our God. We celebrate today the accompanying God; In order that we grow to be more and more perceptive to the presence of God with us and feel the accompanying God concretely on our life journey, we need to constantly learn to unlearn our mental blocks and prejudiced ideas. The Word teaches us everyday, let us resolve to learn from the Word and unlearn all futile thoughts.