Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Misleading Mentalities

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 4th week in Ordinary time

February 5, 2020: 2 Samuel 24:2,8-17; Mk 6: 1-6

I come in the name of the Lord -those were David's words before the philistine giant, when he began his adventure with the Lord. Today we see him counting his strength. He seems to be taking stock of what and how much he could achieve, as if all that he had achieved till then were purely because of his own capabilities! True to his nature, he soon realises his mistake and regrets.

The people who encountered Jesus could not but be amazed... but those who have always seen Jesus growing amidst them refused to be amazed in spite of the great things that happened. They did not believe in their own people, one among them, being so blessed. Truth had to be told by someone who came from elsewhere! They suspected their own capabilities.

Both these are misleading mentalities: the Lord has blessed us with qualities and capabilities that is for the good of all and we need to put them to use... mindful always of the fact that these came from the Lord and it is for the Lord's purposes they have to be used. 

As we, these days, hear about all the threat of Coronavirus all over the world and reflect on the pestilence that David and his people were struck by, what we need to keep in mind and learn is, the irreparable damage we do when we exaggerate our capabilities, without acknowledging the all-powerful Presence that keeps guiding us and instructing us. 

Humanity has to learn today the right balance of being filled with awe and gratitude for what we have received and, at the same time, using it to the full without being bogged down by discouraging and disparaging circumstances that may surround. Let us stay away from the misleading mentalities that we find in the Word today and grow more and more mindful of the Lord who is present amidst us.