Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Salvation: it is all about Choices!


Thursday after Ash Wednesday - March 3, 2022

Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Luke 9: 22-25

What I am, is what God has made me to be! But what I want to be, is what I make of myself, by my daily choices. What there is a harmony between what God has made me to be and what I want to be - there is a wondrous experience of salvation, the feeling of total peace and the sense of fulfilment. This is what the Lord is offering us today!

The Word says - this salvation is all about choices. You make your choice. Life and death is right before your eyes, you make your choice. There is a choice for peace and for war, for destruction and for collaboration, for violence and dialogue, for grabbing and for giving... which one do you want to choose? Right in front of our eyes we are witnessing these days, the wrong choices and the resultant pain and evil. 

Who is a child of God and who is not? Who are the people of God and who not? Who are the people of the Reign and who cannot be? These choices are being made everyday by us, in our own lives. When we choose what is good, what is true and what is acceptable in the eyes of God, we choose salvation. When we choose what is evil, what is deceitful and what is despicable in the eyes of God, we choose our own damnation. Let us not blame anyone for it, not even God!

In my thoughts, in my words, in my priorities... I need to choose carefully where I wish to belong: to God or to the evil, to life or to death, to salvation or to damnation! It is all about my choices.

Broken hearts or Torn garments?


Ash Wednesday - March 2, 2022

Joel 2: 12-18; 2 Corinthians 5:20 - 6:2; Matthew 6:1-6,16-18

Let your hearts be broken, not your garments torn, orients the Word today, in view of the holy season of lent that we begin today. The Hebrews had a symbolic expression in their tradition, when something went absolutely wrong, to show one's disapproval and sorrow, they (specially the leaders) tore their mantle. The Word says today, that would not mean anything, if the sorrow or the remorse were not from within!

Tearing the garment was an external sign and every one would be able to see it. But it was meant to signify the internal sense of repentance and conversion. That is where the problem laid - they did the act but forgot the internal significance; it had practically no effect on their internal self. Jesus picked it right their and chided them for washing the dishes externally, but leaving it dirty and stained inside. 

In the same logic of purifying the within, he teaches us today the right sense of fasting and prayer - which need to become an internal act of repentance and conversion, rather than external manifestation of austerity and rigour. What matters is not what we leave out from our daily menu, or what we do in terms of extra prayers; what really matters is how disposed our hearts are to welcome and behold the Word of God, experiencing the love of God within and its effects in our daily life. 

Speaking of a significant lenten observance, the Holy Father too concentrates on that internal transformation and conversion, which invite us to SOW GOODNESS. Sowing goodness is to become protagonists of goodness, especially in these times when violence and wickedness are perpetrated without any qualms of conscience. There is no use lamenting and pointing fingers at these inhuman forces, we need to stand up togther, and sow goodness wherever and in whatever way we can. Let us come before the Lord and start this lent, not with torn garments but with broken hearts!