Friday, July 10, 2015

WORD 2day : 10th July, 2015

Sent with challenges. ..

Friday,  14th week in Ordinary Time
Gn 46:1-7, 28-30; Mt 10: 16-23

The readings today present two similar situations:
- they were being sent by the Lord.
- they were being sent into a tough situation.
- however they would be flourishing in those difficult terrains.
- they are sent with a promise: I will go with you! Do not worry what to say or what to do,  it will be given you!

How about reading those passages putting yourself in that place. ...
The Lord sends you into life today,  life with all its challenges and trials. ..if we remain faithful till the end, we would feel his encouraging encounter that gives us the true meaning and joy of our life here and now.