Thursday, July 2, 2015

WORD 2day: 2nd July, 2015

To Rise and Walk

Thursday, 13th week in Ordinary Time
Gen 22: 1-9; Mt 9: 1-8

What if the man had decided not to get up and walk, because he was not sure if he were able to. Nothing is impossible to God, be it forgiving sins or curing the sick, proves Jesus. Rising and Walking was a decision that man took to trust in the Lord and hope in his command over absolutely everything on earth. Abraham was just beginning to cherish his life, but he was cherishing it to the extent that he was growing unmindful of the One who gave him that life. But he was given a chance to rise and walk, to prove his trust and hope in the Lord. Today in our daily experiences we are called to rise and find Lord right beside us all through and remember for ever, "we walk by faith not by sight" (2 Cor 5:7)!