Tuesday, March 7, 2023

PEACE-LENT 2023 - Peace is Courage

The WORD in LENT - Second week, Wednesday

March 8, 2023: Jeremiah 18: 18-20; Matthew 20: 17-28

We have two persons today who are well aware of their imminent death - not just death, but a killing. Jeremiah and Jesus, both of them know that people are plotting against them. But they are not in a panic, although they could be perturbed a bit in their hearts. Jeremiah expresses that in his prayer and Jesus expresses that in his further teaching! They both become for us a great illustration of the fact that peace consists of courage!

Without courage we cannot think of peace - peace is not an escapism from problems and conflicts, it is not a hide and seek! It is the capacity to face the conflicts, not in the sense of avenging the trespasser, nor in the sense of retalliating with force. It is taking on the conflicts with the faith that God is our strength, with hope that everything is within God's divine plan and with love that I would continue to serve come what may! 

Courage in terms of the Reign is not the bravery that the world advocates, where I prove myself, establish my supremacy and tell everyone that I am in control of everything. It is remaining firm in the Lord, never losing hope in the love of God and never ceasing to exude that same love in my service to my fellow brothers and sisters. Peace is born there - in that courage! 

When I see Jesus, even at the face of death, insisting on the fact that he has come to serve and shall serve without any hesitation; when I see Jeremiah, at the face of hatred, still appealing to the loving protection of God without agitation, I am given to understand that peace is born out of courage, out of the courage of the Reign - which is undoubtedly filled with faith, hope and love.