Friday, December 1, 2023

Stay awake; Stay strong; Stay calm!

WORD 2day: Saturday, Last day of the Ordinary time

December 2, 2023 - Daniel 7: 5-27; Luke 21: 34-36

The talks of the end of the world,  while every other day there is an earthquake happening in some part, sporadic apprehensions about dreadful ones, or threats of Tsunami or other natural disasters causing the end of the world, or the claims of an ever present fear of a nuclear threat... these are no unfamiliar discussions. There is crisis everywhere with thousands rendered refugees on a daily basis in more than a few zones of the world... 

Let us say, there is so much signalling the end... but the message of the Lord is totally something else. Look at everything that is going on and you have something to take home as your lesson - the Word says. If I do not stay awake, I will not gather the fruits of what is going by. Staying awake is crucial. 

Yes, the last day is here...the last day of the Ordinary time... it gives the feeling of an end of a journey, but ofcourse it is not just the end! It is a new beginning too, with tomorrow. The beginning came and the end has come... and there will be a beginning tomorrow.

What follows is, again, not all that flowery. It is a waiting, a waiting that is tedious, a waiting that can be trying, a waiting that is a bit painful. St Paul compared it to the pangs of child birth. Yes, only those who stay strong will endure till the end. Staying strong is crucial too.

The liturgical year ends today with an all new phase of challenge to begin: stay awake; stay strong above all that, stay calm! Mary did. She was calm as she waited and today we are called to wait like her!

Stay Awake, Stay Strong, Stay Calm. The end may be around. But the Lord is here!