Monday, December 16, 2019

Keys to the Kingdom: Take no one for granted

THE WORD IN ADVENT - December 17

Genesis 49:2,8-10; Matthew 1: 1-17

The first reading speaks of the sons of Jacob, and among them Judah who has to rule! The Gospel reading gives us the whole lineage of Jesus, the Christ who is to come! In both these, there is a reference to the so-called little ones who make a difference at the level of global history. 

We look at those who are around us... we know them all - their history, their geography, their background... and with all these, we think we know them so much... that we can miss the
 Lord who wants to encounter us in them, in their words or gestures! 

Even as the whole world is becoming just a little village with everyone getting to know about every other, we are getting so far away from each other. The irony of our times is that the social network which claims to take communication to the optimal levels, is stopping us from true existential encounters with each other. We are becoming happy with profiles, statuses, likes, shares and comments on the virtual world, failing to really get in touch with persons in flesh and blood. 

And even where we get to live with persons on a daily basis, there is a big danger that we look at some persons so regularly, that they no longer really mean anything to us. That's really a danger of missing the Lord who comes and his Kingdom. The key to the Kingdom that's presented to us today: every person in your life is sent on purpose by God, so, take no one for granted.

CHRISTMAS NOVENA - a tradition so lovely

Novena...'O' Antiphons...Oh what a Tradition we have!!! 

Naturally the last days of the Christmas preparation are a great excitement...
The Church has a beautiful tradition of 
the Novena in preparation of this wonderful festival of LOVE...

And within this novena... 
leaving out the first day and the last day...
there are 7 verses from the prophecies from the Old Testament (Isaiah) 
which announce the coming of the Lord's Messiah...they are named "O" Antiphons.
each of these antiphons, so meaningful and beautiful...

We pray them as Antiphons before the Gospel at the Eucharist these days...
those who pray the daily prayer of the Church (Breviary) pray it in the evening 
with the hymn of our blessed mother, the Magnificat.

16th of December begins the Novena...
on this day, the antiphon, though not an O Antiphon...
sets the tone for the next 9 days...