Friday, March 13, 2015


13th March, 2014...
This day was special last year...
Pope Francis completed his one year of pontificate and
I was returning from Rome, back to India!
Thinking of one year back in India...
I thank God today for the wonderful experiences 
that the Lord keeps filling my life with!
I can never thank you enough O Lord!


Getting nearer to the Reign

Third week in Lent : Friday, 13th Mar, 2015

Hos 14: 2-10; Mk 12; 28-34

The Word gives today the easiest way of getting nearer to God and God's Reign. It is through a life that is shared,  thanks to the pastoral courtesy of the Christian call. 'Return' is the call; to where?  To the believing community. The Lord awaits us there. Truly being nearer to the Reign would mean right relationships and mutual respect. Getting nearer to the Reign would mean,  getting closer to one another and getting more and more familiar with the One who has called me.