Thursday, February 25, 2016

Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy #1

#1 Why Extraordinary?

Jubilee Year or the Year of Lord's Favour is a phenomenon that comes from as early as the book of Leviticus. It was every 50th year as 7 sets of 7 years (49 years) came to a close.

However the Catholic Church began this tradition of celebrating the jubilee years from 1300 onwards. Though it began with once in 50 years very soon it became a year of celebration every 25 years!

That is how we have the 25th Jubilee year proclaimed in 2000! Ordinarily the next Jubilee should have been in 2025. But since the Holy Father did not want to lose the significance of the 08.12.2015, he has announced an "EXTRAORDINARY" year of jubilee, dubbing it Jubilee Year of Mercy! 

What is special about Dec 8, 2015: It was the 50th anniversary of the Closure of the Vatican Council II, a council that has changed the face of the Church for the world today! Let us take to heart the teachings of the Council and experience the depth of the mercy of the Lord.

MERCILENT 2016 - 25th February

BE WISE: Know, understand and act.

Thursday, 2nd week of Lent
Jer 17: 5-10; Lk 16: 19-31

Every thing in this world is passing. Wealth or power or relationships or popularity - everything is just for a while. Knowing this is one thing, but living by it and making convictions based on it is completely another thing. We know it well that what we gain by our effort here, lasts but sometime still we hold on to them: our titles, our accomplishments, our status, our social image and so on. The Word today reminds us, to face facts. It challenges us to begin to understand what we know and act on what we truly understand. If I know nothing in this world lasts forever, I would understand it is not worth giving my life for it. If I understand it is not worth giving my life for something, I would not make that my priority over others. Where does the problem lie? Why am I lost in things that do not really matter? Why is it that I know something but still I live contrary to it?

God alone lasts forever; and what comes from God alone matters truly. Wisdom is when I come to realise that I know this fact and I begin to restructure my life based on that conviction. The greater challenge is to resist the temptation of giving up in between and ape the standards of a lesser order. God alone matters and it is wisdom that helps me understand that.

The Mercilent Attitude for today: In God alone put your trust.