Monday, January 13, 2020

The capacity to magnify the Lord

WORD 2day: Tuesday, 1st week in Ordinary time

January 14, 2020: 1 Samuel 1: 9-20; Mark 1: 21-28

It is a spiritual capacity to magnify the Lord, to exult in the glories of the Lord! The responsorial psalm presents to us the precedent of the famous magnificat sung by Mary in the Gospel according to Luke: the hymn of praise and thanksgiving sung by Hannah, who realised the goodness of the Lord to her! 

It is a special capacity to realise God's hand in things that happen in our daily life. Even what was so apparent to the demons, who recognised Jesus and proclaimed him as Christ, was so difficult for the so called learned scribes and the pharisees to understand! Even the people, till the end they were only amazed and kept asking who Jesus could really be! 

It is a grace to recognise God and God's presence in our daily life. It may take a crisis and a way out of it, for some to recognise it. It may take an endless list of wonders and miracles for some to acknowledge it. It may take a great accomplishment or a favour received for some to exult God. But BLESSED are those who need nothing, absolutely nothing of these, to feel, recognise, acknowledge and magnify the unceasing presence of God in their lives, come what may!

When things go wrong we spontaneously look to the Lord and demand for answers. But when things remain normal and calm, how ready are we to see the hand of God, and praise the magnificence of the Lord! If we are ready to believe that there are no coincidences in life, we will witness mighty miracles on a daily basis!