Wednesday, June 25, 2014

WORD 2day: 26th June, 2014

Forming an integral part of the Divine Design

2 Kgs 24: 8-17; Mt 7: 21-29

Prophecies, prodigies, spectacles or splendid preaching... nothing can replace doing what God really wants of me. The fundamental attitude required of me here is the clarity that it is not my enterprise, but God's Will that will finally work and that it alone will give me a sense of true meaning and satisfaction.

The first reading presents to us an experience that is called the Watershed of the History of Israel...the Babylonian Exile! The people went through a tough period in their life... out of their homeland and others separated from their dear ones, the artisans and all other capable in a strange land while the rest languished in slavery in their own land with a king appointed by a foreigner. The people go back in time, analyse what had gone by and find their own reasoning and in that reasoning they have a lesson to give us: when we do not regard the will of God, when we are so occupied with our plans and projects that we forget the One who is the greatest of all Master Craftsmen, when we do not really pay attention to discerning the signs of the times that manifest God's will to us at an appointed time, we are planning our own ruin. We have no dearth of examples today: the unbalanced scientific advancements, the ecological crisis, the insensitive economic growth, the rising political and social unrest...all these are candid instances of disregard of the Divine design.

Accepting the primacy of God within the universe, submitting to the mystery that forms part of the Divine Design, a respectful approach to advancement with a mind of discernment and a holistic spirituality... these are the needs of the hour in today's world. Personally, it requires that each of us develops a personal rapport with the Lord who is the author of the Divine Design, that we may live our life listening to the Lord's Word and carryout to the details the holy and eternal will of God for each of us and for the entire humanity!

WORD 2day: 25th June, 2014

Living our life from the Core of our Being

2 Kgs 22: 8-13, 23: 1-3; Mt 7: 15-20

By the fruits will the trees be known; by our actions will we be known! Let your actions speak for what you believe and stand witness for what you say! That was not merely the way that Jesus taught, but it was the way Jesus lived. He had no dichotomy of words and deeds, of beliefs and expressions, or of principles and priorities. He himself was able to say, even if you dont believe in me, believe in my works (cf. Jn 10:38). This was possible because Jesus lived his life from the core of his being. In the core of his being he knew how he and the Father were united in their vision and their mission. Hence, living from that core of his being he was able to live a life that was absolutely divine amidst all challenges.

The first reading has a wonderful symbolism to offer us, in this regard: we too possess what it takes to live such a life as that of Jesus! We have to go to the core of our being, unearth the image and likeness of God that we possess at the core, and bring it to the fore, proclaiming it to the world and installing it on a pedestal from where it rules our life and shines and glows for the others! Living our lives from the core of our being: that is the key! As St. Augustine would often say, 'an unreflected life is a wasted life'. Let us accept today the invitation to journey to the core of our being, and begin to live our life from there, bearing fruits worthy of the One who has created, called and commissioned us!