Friday, July 21, 2017

WORD 2day: 21st July, 2017

The Bloodshed and Mercy

Friday, 15th Week in Ordinary Time
Gen 11:10 - 12:14; Mt 12: 1-8

It is popularly spoken of that there is a constant warfare going on in the world between good and evil. Today looking at the situation around: the gau-rakshak craze, the hindutva rising, the ISIS phenomenon, the growing terrorist outfits, the sans-value clamour for world supremacy...all these seem to establish that the evil is mightily powerful. But can we leave it at that? Is there no place for the good? 

The Lord is there, standing by and always standing for the innocent and the good. There seems to be an ongoing contest between the Mercy of God and the bloodshed of humanity. This bloodshed will not stop until every one on earth stops everything, listens to the Lord and experiences the mercy of God! It is the Mercy of God that can save us from all bloodshed, because it is out of this mercy that God chose to shed the blood of God's only son. Will that Mercy stop all bloodshed today?