Saturday, July 9, 2016

WORD 2day: 9th July, 2016

Fear of Following

Saturday,  14th week in OrdinaryTime
Is 6: 1-8; Mt 10: 24-33

When the Lord calls,  as God infact does with regard to all of us, we invariably have some objection or the other. It can be of two types.

One could be due to the fear that I am not worthy... but can anyone be really worthy?  So the Lord says we should not be worried about that, as the Lord would do the needful to make good for our want and unworthiness.

The second and more dangerous mind set is one of pride. Looking at the fact of my chosen-ness as something that I can work and qualify towards. Can I?

It is with these at the background that the Lord invites us to steer clear of fear and put our trust in the Lord. The Lord is our rock,  our strength!