Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Be Careful

Journey to Holiness: Expect the Master's return

March 22, 2019: Friday, Second Week of Lent
Genesis 37: 3-4,12-13,17-28; Matthew 21: 33-43,45-46

Being loved children of God does not exempt us from being careful! Taking care that we do not fall out of gear with the Master who has called us, is a legitimate concern we need to have. Within the design of the Lord there is an eternal stock of mercy, but at times we may make choices and decisions that might remove us from the whole circle of mercy!

Speaking to the Young, they ask with alarm, 'will God never punish'...'he will punish at an extreme level won't he? '...'does the mercy of God exclude punishments for sins?'...these are genuine attempts the young make to balance between mercy and justice on the part of God. It is important to tell them, 'you need not try too hard to paint God in a balanced picture'! God need not be an equal balance of justice and mercy, the Lord is merciful in God's justice too! God's justice in a way, in a great way, includes an abundance of mercy. But that in no way makes it easy for the one who decides to stay away from the mercy of God! 

Be careful to choose the mercy of God; take care to submit yourself willingly to the mercy of God. When the Master returns He must find you within this ambient of mercy, if not it would have been your fault.

Holiness tip for today: Take care of every moment and remain acceptable in the eyes of the Lord, always!

Be Wise

Journey to Holiness: Know, understand and act.

March 21, 2019: Thursday, Second week of Lent
Jeremiah 17: 5-10; Luke 16: 19-31

Every thing in this world is passing. Wealth or power or relationships or popularity - everything is just for a while. Knowing this is one thing, but living by it and making convictions based on it, is completely another. We know it well that what we gain by our effort here, lasts but sometime; still we hold on to them: our titles, our accomplishments, our status, our social image and so on. The Word today reminds us, to face facts. 

It challenges us to begin to understand what we know and act on what we truly understand. If I know nothing in this world lasts forever, I would understand it is not worth giving my life for it. If I understand it is not worth giving my life for something, I would not make that my priority over others. Where does the problem lie? Why am I lost in things that do not really matter? Why is it that I know something but still I live contrary to it?

God alone lasts forever; and what comes from God alone matters truly. Wisdom is when I come to realise that I know this fact and I begin to restructure my life based on that conviction. The greater challenge is to resist the temptation of giving up in between and ape the standards of a lesser order. God alone matters and it is wisdom that helps me understand that.

Holiness tip for today: In God alone, put your trust.