Thursday, October 23, 2014

WORD 2day: 24th October, 2014

Oneness of Vision: Integrity

Eph 4: 1-6; Lk 12: 54-59

Recently discussing their problem with a couple, we could see no way out of the problem no matter how much we tried making sense of what was happening. Finally I had to tell them, 'we can arouse a person who is sleeping, but not the one who pretends to sleep!' It is true: for most of the problems today, it is not that we do not have a solution, but we do not want to arrive at it. 

Jesus give his piece of mind to the pharisees and scribes, because he finds in them the hypocrisy of not choosing things that were so obviously towards the right. Its like a group of people, here in our context, in spite of knowing that their leader was at fault, were making a hue and cry about the leader's conviction. The problems in the world are due to the lack of oneness of vision that afflicts us...each one with a selfish agenda, or groups with unfounded prejudices, classes with insensitive urge for advancement, persons with inhuman tendencies of manipulation and exploitation...these are persons who could not care less about the golden rule. They have a set of rules for themselves and a completely different one for others. These are people filled with discrepancies and disparities, and will be the least likely to enter the Reign of God. Are we in any chance among those in that list?

WORD 2day: 23rd October, 2014

Reasons to BE GOOD

Eph 3: 14-21; Lk 12: 49-53

Speaking to a group of families yesterday, on our call to be light to the world, I remarked, "People are afraid to be good these days!" Fear of manipulation, exploitation and being taken for granted are so live and real that we hesitate to be good and hold on to what is good. The Word today gives us three reasons why we cannot afford to be afraid of being good:

1. Because we take on our heredity from none less than the Almighty Lord: The Lord is our banner; the Lord is our identity, it is from the Lord we take our name, as a family of God. How can we be other than good?

2. Because the Love of God is poured into our hearts: A love whose measure, we can never comprehend to the full  - the length and breadth and depth and height of it so immense that we cannot but be concerned about being worthy of that love; which entails that we are good in our very being!

3. Because we have a Vocation to be a Community of Counter Culture: Jesus commissions us to be the People of the Reign, which is to be a people of counter culture, proposing a culture that is opposed to the culture of social sin, the culture of injustice and exploitation, the culture of imbalanced growth and inhuman development, a culture of total human insensitivity. When we intend to be such a community of counter culture, the rest of the world may turn against us. Jesus makes it clear today: if you choose me, choose be absolutely!