Saturday, July 1, 2017


Welcoming God, God's Message and God's Messenger

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
2 Kgs 4: 8-11, 13-16; Rom 6: 3-4, 8-11; Mt 10:37-42

I remember the first days when I heard the hymn, 'Welcome Holy Spirit' - I was amused at those lyrics...I believe it was inspired by Benny Hinn's book Good Morning Holy Spirit (or was it the otherwise)... anyway, the words tickled a smile in my heart those days. Though now we have got used to that hymn, the words are still very homely and down to earth. Infact welcoming God, is a beautiful attitude. 

Welcoming God would mean an entire life style, a totally unique priority list, an entirely unworldly mindset if we can use that phrase! That is what Jesus says. The other day I had a very interesting conversation with one of my friends, who lost his father too, as I did recently. He said, for him it was an obligation to stay home, losing a few prospects of his future to ensure his mother felt safe and secure. I said, I couldn't do that! And that is a matter of fact. With my call and commitment as a Religious, I cannot prioritise the care of my mother. In fact when it comes to giving priority to God and God's call, nothing can claim precedence. This is the message that the Lord wants to communicate. Welcoming God would mean prioritising God over everything and all.

Welcoming God's Message is another daily disposition of welcoming God. It would be hypocritical to say I need God and live as if I dont. I do things that show others that I need God. I speak to others about me and my life giving an idea that I value God. But if that is not translated into my daily life and regular choices, I am failing to live a life that is integral. Accepting God's message is changing my life according to that message; it is dying to sin and being alive for God in Christ. 

Welcoming God's Messengers, is a disposition of openness and humility - being open to God and God's marvellous and mysterious ways of revealing Godself to me - through persons, events and signs. A new person we come across, a poor person we see suffering, a hapless person we exploited...all these are messengers of God! And being humble is to receive God's message from anyone, even those from whom we least expect it! The Shunammitess we come across in the first reading had a special eye for this observation! She spotted the Messenger of God in Elisha and the consequence of it, we know so gladly. 

Today, the readings ask this precious question: Are you ready to Welcome God - it is not that easy to welcome God, to welcome God's message and to welcome God's messengers!

WORD 2day: 1st July, 2017

Meeting the Lord passing by

Saturday, 12th week in Ordinary Time
Gen 18: 1-15; Mt 8: 5-17

Have you witnessed thick black clouds just pass by over your head without even a drizzle while you are dry, parching for want of water. That is exactly the experience when you let the Lord pass by without claiming for yourself all the blessing that the Lord has in store for you. You will surely not know, even if you knew you would hardly believe, the blessings the Lord has in store. Hence an attitude of openness and total surrender, ever  connected to the Lord and perennially relying on the Lord's directions is a way of life that would take you to moments of thunderous grace! 

It is a very special disposition to be able to meet the Lord passing by...if Abraham did not have it, he would have missed being the father of the Covenant; if the Centurion did not have it, he would have lost one of his treasured servant; if Zacchaeus did not have it he would have missed salvation entering his house; if the disciples to Emmaus did not have it they would have missed that life-changing encounter with the Risen Lord. A new month, and a new day, today, are you ready to behold it, without missing out on it?