Monday, November 18, 2013

WORD 2day

18th November, 2013: Dedication of the Basilicas of St. Peter and St.Paul

St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican
Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls
 Peter did not mind the turbulent sea, the raging waves, the frightening darkness... all that he heard was the call of his Lord, beckoning him, "Come." He steps on to the sea and begins to walk. The limitedness of his faith notwithstanding, he was a man who trusted the Lord blindly! The first reading presents to us Paul, arriving in Rome! Not a pilgrimage or a tour, he reaches as a prisoner..and remains in house arrest. He doesn't seem to bother at all about that, because his only concern was to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ - and that he was able to do, peacefully! For him that was all which mattered. In prison or free, under prohibition or not, he could not but preach the Gospel. "Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel," he said (1 Cor 9:16). Today we remember the Basilicas dedicated to these two Pillars of the Church - to Peter at Vatican (the famous Vatican St.Peter's Church) and to St. Paul outside the walls of Olden Rome. Just last week we celebrated the memory of the dedication of the Basilica of St. John at the Lateran! Here are two more(of the 4 major basilicas). As we thank the Lord for the gift of these great apostles Peter and Paul, let us pray for the gift of the blind trust they had in the Lord and total dedication they demonstrated for the WORD.

The Pharmacist Pope : MISERICORDINA

This is what we call catechesis!
The holy Father today, as a gift for the Year of Faith... 
presented to the faithful, what he called a medicine:
very creatively christened "Misericordina"...
it is a simple way of inviting the people 
to remain united with the Lord in prayer..
in praying the rosary, 
in praying the rosary of Divine Mercy..
or just contemplating on the mercy and love 
that God fills us with, everyday!

With just one week to the end of the Year of Faith...the Holy Father is already feeling nostalgic about this wonderful opportunity we had to thank the Lord for the gift of our faith...and what better way than to unite ourselves with the Lord, in prayer!

Here is the video of that moment when he released that new medicine, commenting - "some might say, now the Pope is playing the pharmacist." Ofcourse, dear father, you are a God given pharmacist, for the well being of our spiritual selves. God bless you.