Monday, December 28, 2020

Love - the light of life

WORD 2day: 5th day in Christmas Octave

December 29, 2020: 1 John 2: 3-11; Luke 2: 22-35

Hatred, violence, vengeance, aggression and terrorism abound today in forms varied and vicious. The talks of conversion and reconversion rob faith of its fundamental essence. The underground efforts, the camouflaged agenda and the strategic polarisation that happen make religion and spirituality quesstionable. 

The readings today give us a clear cut criterion to judge who is right and who is not. The one who loves one's brothers and sisters is in light. And whoever says he or she is in light, yet hates one's brother or sister, is still in darkness (Cf. 1 Jn 2: 8&9).

Jesus the light can never cause hatred or division. The light literally makes things lucid and nothing can escape - there can be no pretentions, prejudices or presumptions. Everything has to be candidly seen, discussed and decided upon. Especially, the internal motives of actions and decisions, render the person and the process involved, integral or not! 

There can be people who claim to be interpreting the Light but causing divisions and hatred and rivalry. Let them be certain, says the Word, that they are still in darkness. Let love, the light of life, guide us on as we come to the close of this year!