Monday, September 28, 2015


The Felt Presences of God: Celebrating the Archangels

29th September, 2015
Dan 7: 9-10, 13-14; Jn 1: 47-51
Angels - how do we understand them? Angels are of various types and categories in various traditions. Every faith tradition speaks of angels, and each from its own perspective. As we well know, the Christian understanding of Angels is much drawn from the Jewish understanding of Angels, which in turn was much influenced by the Egyptian understanding. However, the Catholic teaching has gone through much refinement and we should thank God for the continuous revelations that we have had right through our faith tradition. 

Angels are the extensions of God; they are infact the felt presences of God. When a person needs to hear what the Lord wants of the person, the One who speaks those words is Angel Gabriel, the message of God. When a person badly needs a healing, a boost of health to carry out his or her assigned tasks in life, the One who brings that healing or the necessary strength is Angel Raphael, the healing of God. When a person feels weak and worn out, unable to withstand the tiresome world, the One who strengthens them is Angel Michael, the strength of God. How many persons we come across on a daily basis, in our homes, our families, our communities, our workplaces, who long to hear a good word, who look for a soothing balm for their hampered hearts, who long for a sustaining assurance! 

What am I going to do for those in need around me today: for the least, how much time am I ready to spend with them? What good words do I have in store for them? What encouraging gesture of mine is going to strengthen them in their endeavours? In short, how do I plan to start being a felt presence of God to my neighbour?

WORD 2day: 28th September, 2015

The Lord calls us 'MY PEOPLE'

Monday, 26th Week in Ordinary Time
Zech 8: 1-8; Lk 9: 46-50

The Lord time and again reiterates that the Lord shall be our God and We shall be the Lord's people. To be the Lord's people, we have to make a choice: there are two grounds presented in  the Word today. One, that we behold and recognise the presence of the Lord amidst us! To behold the Lord's presence we should be worthy and prepared. To recognise the presence of the Lord we should be open and eager to experience it.

The second ground is, to live our life according to the Lord's values and criteria. As St. Paul would often remind us: not conforming to the standards of the world but being recreated in the image of Christ (cf. Rom 12:2). 

The Lord calls us "My People"... are we prepared and worthy to call the Lord, "My God"?