Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Value Added Deeds

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 11th week in Ordinary time

June 16, 2021: 2 Corinthians 9: 6-11; Matthew 6: 1-6, 16-18

I know a person, a good friend of mine, who is a trainer. He does the training of the younger cadets of the organisation that he was trained in. He distributes training kits and accessories on his own cost to those young trainees and does not receive any payment for his services other than the train ticket for his travel up and down! This is going on for quite a few years now and I have not revealed his identity because he will not like it absolutely!

Thinking of Giving...there is so much of talk today of 'giving'... the donations and funds collected today to help those affected by covid, the funds that are collected during natural calamities, the scholarships distributed...all these have a big label attached to them. At times what is spent on making known what is given, is more than what is actually given! The cheerful giving that St. Paul speaks of today, is certainly not this type of a giving, instead it is the type that was narrated earlier! 

Our doing good, is good! But to be truly Christian, the doing has to be of a specific nature! It cannot be just a philanthropic, that good of the other or just the common good. All these are good, but there has to be another value added to these... the value added good deed!

The true value of whatever we do depends more on why we do than on what we do. What we do will vary according to our ability and the context provided possibilities. But the why will never change whether what I do increases or reduces. What I would wish to reap I will reap; if it is popularity or publicity that I wish, exactly that I will reap! If it is true satisfaction and divine interior joy that I wish, precisely that the Almighty will grant! These are truly the Value added deeds!