Sunday, March 14, 2021

Renewing Christian Hope: A Journey from Sadness to Gladness

THE WORD IN LENT - Monday, 4th week in Lent

March 15, 2021: Isaiah 65:17-21; John 4: 43-54


Yesterday we celebrated the fourth Sunday in Lent which had the call to Rejoice! Yes, we are sinful, we have fallen and failed, we are unworthy but in spite of that the Lord loves us and that is a great reason to Rejoice. The call continues into the week!


From sadness to gladness is the journey the Lord invites us to. It is surprising that many a person finds it a journey either unnecessary or unrealistic. They feel they can remain with sadness and that they are destined to remain with such sadness. They don't wish to embark upon that journey so easily. 


Interestingly, a major part of the journey consists in making the decision to turn and walk, as did the royal official in the Gospel account today. How long are we going to stand staring at problems and confusions and misgivings and misunderstandings in life?  


At times, there are people who share their problems. From the very sharing of the problems we can sense the fact that they have not even thought of leaving those problems and walking ahead - every suggestion you give meets with multiple reasons why it is not workable; every challenge you pose against the problem is judged as an insensitive approach to the person! If you have to walk out of your problems, first you have to decide to stop, turn and walk away from it!


To stop, turn and walk is an act of faith, to surrender our life into the hands of the Lord and to allow the Lord to change our sadness to gladness! The Lord tells us today: just believe and turn and walk towards the peace and serenity that I offer.


Are we ready to set off with faith and hope, on that journey: from sadness to gladness!