Friday, November 25, 2016

Remembering Ven. Mamma Margaret

25th November, 2016 -
160th Anniversary of the death of Mamma Margaret, the Mother of Don Bosco.

This day is traditionally set apart to pray for the deceased parents of salesians. 
This year this practice makes an all new difference to me...
For all the deceased parents of Salesians and those in the Salesian Family...

Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord; 
May the Perpetual Light shine upon them. 
May they rest in peace - Amen

WORD 2day: 25th November, 2016

Heaven, Earth and the Word

Friday,34th week in Ordinary Time
Rev. 20: 1-4,11- 21:2

We have heard the usage in english, 'he moved earth and heaven to achieve something'. Moving heaven and earth is symbolically used as doing even what is impossible. Heaven and earth become a kind of immovable reference points naturally. Physics, Kinetics, Geography, History ...all of these subjects and others take heaven and earth as reference points to make possible an explanation for their theories and principles. Today the Lord says, these are not truly the unchanging reference points, they cannot be. 

The true reference point for our life, for our actions, for our choices has to be the Word. For those who hear the Word, keep it in their heart and live by it will find a place in that New Heaven and New Earth... the heaven and the earth may keep becoming new and newer, it does not matter, as long as what matters to us is the Word and being faithful to it. That is our constant, unchanging and never ending  reference point!