Thursday, October 10, 2019

The days of the Lord!!!

WORD 2day: Friday, 27th week in Ordinary time

October 11, 2019: Joel 1:13-15,2:1-2; Luke 11: 15-26

The Day of the Lord - in the history of the people of God - has had quite a few interpretations. The most common of those during the Old Testament times, was what we find in the first reading today - a day of doom, a day of destruction, a day of final judgement! We know it has inspired dreams, theories, churches, stories, movies and what not.

Jesus, spoke of not just the day of the Lord, but the days of the Lord, the coming of the Reign of God! The idea of judgement persisted, but the fear of destruction or doom gave way to the need to take a stand, the urgency to make a choice - for God or against God!

The day or the moment that we make a choice for God becomes for us the day of the Lord! The moment when we stand by the poor, the oppressed, the righteous, the honest, the just and the godly, we make a choice for God - for when you do it for the least of these, you do unto me, the Lord has promised.

When that choice for God becomes persistent and absolute, that is the Reign of God. Reign of God is not some Utopia or an otherworldly phenomenon that would descend on us one fine day. We need to evoke it, from amidst us by making right personal choices and by making those choices a culture, a mode of life, a life style.

The question is... am I ready to choose God, and choose God alone? Am I prepared to stand up for God? If yes, I become a son or a daughter of the Reign and these days in which we live shall become, the days of the Lord.