Thursday, October 22, 2020

Oneness of Vision: Integrity

WORD 2day: Friday, 29th week in Ordinary time

October 23, 2020: Ephesians 4: 1-6; Luke 12: 54-59

At times listening to people having problems in their relationships, or sides opposing each other within a community, we would arrive at a point of no return. At that moment, one would see no way out of the problem,  no matter how much the neutral persons or the negotiators tried! We would arrive at one unfailing conviction, that 'we can arouse a person who is sleeping, but not the one who pretends to sleep!' It is true: for most of the problems today, it is not that we do not have a solution, but we do not want to arrive at it. 

Jesus gives a piece of mind to the pharisees and scribes in the Gospel today, because he finds in them the hypocrisy of not choosing things that were so obviously towards the right. It is like the crowds, in our present context, in spite of knowing that their leader is at fault, just because he or she is their leader, they make a hue and cry about the leader's conviction - a choice to go blind about the limitations of their leaders! 

Where does the root of these problems lie? Many a problem in the world today, is due to the lack of oneness of vision! That is the worst of virus that afflicts us... each one with a selfish agenda, or groups with unfounded prejudices, classes with insensitive urge for advancement, persons with inhuman tendencies of manipulation and exploitation... these are persons who could not care less about the golden rule: do unto others what you want done unto you. They have a set of rules for themselves and a completely different set for others. These are people filled with discrepancies and disparities, and will be the least likely to enter the Reign of God. The disturbing question to me today is, am I by any chance, among those in that list?