Wednesday, November 6, 2013

WORD 2day

6th November, 2013

'The fullness of law is love,' says St. Paul today. It can be confusing apparently if both the readings of today are taken together. The first speaks of the primacy of love and the Gospel says, unless you hate your father and mother, spouse and children... Aren't they contrary to each other? No... they are not contrary but complementary. The first reading with no dubious terms establishes the primacy of love and speaks of loving one's neighbour. The problem arises with the verb "hate" in the Gospel... which bible scholars say is a simplified (infact over-simplified) translation of the word in the original text which would actually mean, "to love less". The point is made. Christian love draws from God - God has to be the foundation for any love and that cannot be overlooked! When God is overlooked, "love" can dissipate itself into 'liking', into a mere objectification, a desire to possess, a seeking of self gratification. Even our so-called 'most-loving choices' should be checked in these terms: Is God at its foundation?

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