Advent 2024: A Pilgrimage of Hope
towards Peace - the Journey Explained!
Second Wednesday in Advent - December 11, 2024
Isaiah 40: 25-31; Matthew 11: 28-30
The real peace-giving surrender to the Lord, instead comes from, first and foremost the profound belief that God is my strength, as the first reading teaches to us. This is the fundamental disposition that I need to grow in – simple measures that we have been taught from our earliest age: beginning anything we do with a prayer, beginning the day with the act of faith, the act of love etc., are means to remind ourselves that the Lord is our strength. All the capacity that we have comes from the Lord, without whom we are nothing. That is one unfailing source of peace.
A second reason for surrendering to the Lord is a realisation of our limitedness. Our limitedness need not disturb us, discourage us or dissuade us from our ongoing journey! For when the Lord is with us, we shall run but shall not grow weary, we shall walk and never tire, because “His Grace is sufficient for us.” When we rest in the Lord, our hearts are at peace! “Come” the Lord invites, that is an invitation to surrender ourselves in hope to the Lord. How disposed are we?