Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Celebrating Apostles Philip and James

3rd May, 2016
1 Cor 15:1-8; John 14:6-14

The Word today calls our attention to the mention of the names of the Apostles whom we celebrate today: James and Philip. The James we speak of here is not James the son of Zebedee , the one who was among the closest three namely, Peter, James and John! But this is James the son of Alphaeus, who is referred to for the sake of differentiating, as James the lesser! Though that term is odd, it brings out the fact that he was among the less prominent bunch of the Apostles but however he was one of the 12 pillars and Jesus appeared to him! Philip is seen in the Gospel today inducing Jesus to make some intense pronouncements about himself and the Father! Philip is also seen in two other places - at the scene of multiplication of the bread and the later when some Greeks wish to see Jesus.

The Feast can communicate three realities that can help our faith communities today. 
1: That differences are natural when a group of persons are involved. The differences are not only inevitable but they are beautiful to paint a holistic picture.
2: That differences do not mean division, or comparison or envy. That Philip and James and some others were not so prominent, never caused a rift among the apostles. They were able to live united in the Lord.
3. Each one has a specific call within the entire design of God and when one fails to play his role, however little and insignificant it could be, there is a lack in the whole!

The message is clear: avoid comparisons; avoid envy; realise the one call and remain united in the Lord!

1 comment:

DivyaJeevan said...

Thank you, Father. This is so helpful for practical life, esp where we work in teams (like a choir).