Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The law is in its "end"

THE WORD IN LENT - 3rd week, Wednesday

March 18, 2020: Deuteronomy 4: 1,5-9; Matthew 5: 17-19
Point for Dialogue #18: What I have always done and Why I do it?

Law is a simplified code to live one's life to the full. But if law were to hinder one from living one's life or hinder someone else from living his or her life to the full, it is a clear sign that the real sense of law is lost! However, in the name of being forward thinking, can we dare throw away all the norms and laws that guarantee a meaningful personal and social life?

Moses and Jesus, in the Word today speak to us of this - the importance of understanding the laws with diligence. Jesus says, the laws would never end, but mind you, there is an end to every law! That is, every law is created keeping in mind an end towards which it leads you. Laws are means to an end! Beware they are not end in themselves. Keeping laws for the sake of keeping them, makes you a slave and not a free child of God. It is an invitation to enter into a dialogue between what I have always done and why I do it today?

In fact, each of us has this law embedded in our hearts, as the responsorial psalm reminds us; and our responsibility is to recognise, realise, relearn to respect the meaning, the role and the real sense of law in our hearts towards living our daily life in fulfillment of God's unique plan for each of us. If I do something just because it is a law, I do not grow!

If I do something, because it is a law and I know the purpose or the end towards which that law is ordained, I grow out of it, I become disciplined, I become integral, I become holy! Yes, law can lead me to holiness, but if and only if, I carry it out with profound understanding and personal committment - and not our of force or fear. 

Truly, the law is in its end, in its purpose, in that goal, in that destiny where it leads the law keeper to. In short, this is what Jesus tells us today: keep the law, but know why you are keeping it!

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