Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The Word that lives

WORD 2day: Wednesday, 16th week in Ordinary time
July 20, 2022: Jeremiah 1: 1-4, 10; Matthew 13: 1-9

"See, I put my word into your mouth and I set you over the nations!" It is the word of the Lord that is put into the mouth of a prophet that makes him or her the light to the nations, a reference point to the people. The Word comes to us daily, the Word lives in us, the Word which was made flesh in the person of Christ, dwells in us as the indwelling Spirit and enlightens every bit of our life. The question is, do we realise it?

If we do realise it, we would be like the good soil that gives a hundred, a sixty and thirty fold. Because we hardly realise it, the Word is pecked away by so many other attentions that we have, or it is scorched by the difficulties we have or choked by numerous other concerns that we have.

The Word alone can show us those tendencies that are to be rooted out and to be torn down, or those that are to be destroyed and be demolished within me. The Word alone will enable me to build and to plant, to grow within me the values of the Reign and thus establish around me the Reign of God.

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