Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Life and Vocation - a wonderful reminder


September 8, 2022: Birthday of our Blessed Mother
Micah 5:1-4a (or) Romans 8:28-30; Matthew 1:1-23

The readings prescribed for the day do not speak to us directly of Mary... but they have a truth which the birthday of our Blessed Mother teaches us very strongly. The truth is that of the choice that God has made of us! As St.Paul would say writing to the Ephesians, God chose us in Christ before the foundations of the world! 

The Birth of Mary signals in utter silence the beginning of the climax of God's plan of salvation. No one would have known when this girl was born, that she was destined to be that woman of whom the Son of God will be born in the fullness of time. Every life is a vocation - that is the wonderful reminder that we have from today's feast. In fact, that is the mystery we are. 

We enshrine within ourselves a marvellous design which we ourselves are not aware of. The design that is part of the mysetery that we are - our very life and the vocation that it enshrines within it. Mother Mary is a splendid example for us to learn from. She leaves us this strong lesson: from eternity God has chosen us for a particular purpose and each of us has to discern that purpose, to live our lives to the full.

Today as we sing a happy birthday to our Blessed Mother, will sing to the glory of the Lord for the great things God has done to her, and to us through her. Let us not lose sight of the same wonders that God continues to do for us and that God wants to do more! Let us respond just as our Blessed Mother with our readiness to surrender and our capacity to ponder in silence... on every wonder that happens around us. 

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