Thursday, May 9, 2013

WORD 2day

9th May 2013

Your sorrow will turn into joy. My heart today turns to so many known to me, who are experiencing this inevitable reality - SORROW. Economic concerns and debts, elderly or sickly parents, unprecedented sickness of a loved one,helpless situations of terminal illnesses, the struggle of a non acceptance and rejection, a lack of meaning  inspite of things done with much effort, continuous challenge to personal worth and failures that persistently pull down the self esteem, the list is on… ‘Sorrow’ turning to joy – that Jesus promises today can mean so many concrete experiences to persons such as these whom we have reminded ourselves of. Primarily from the point of view of faith, after the example of St. Paul (I Reading) and Christ himself, this 'turning to joy' is a process from within. An internal process of maturation - a joy from within - an experience of the faith, an assurance of an intimate presence of the Lord in the midst of this 'sorrow' - an experience of growth, a Maturity in Faith.

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