Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Easter Call: Get back to Galilee!

Monday within the Easter Octave: 2nd April, 2018

Acts 2: 14,22-33; Mt 28: 8-15

The conspiracy to malign the name of Jesus and his apostles had not stopped even after having had Jesus killed. Now after the resurrection, it gets more urgent and more intense, because the opponents were already feeling the mounting pressure. Jesus in his ever cool fashion tells his disciples to get back to Galilee- Galilee, where Jesus went about doing good, where Jesus was living and moving with them day in and day out, where Jesus was sharing their daily concerns and making them feel so cared for, loved and attended to.

The lesson for us is: at times of conspiracy, at times of troubles and uncertainties, what do we need to do? Let us get back to Galilee: let us get back to the wonderful experiences we have had with Jesus. Let us get back to the basic lessons we have learnt from Jesus. Let us get back to the fundamental values that Jesus has always been offering us.Thus we will never be disoriented and we will see a light that will pierce through the present cloud.

MEMORIES can serve as a boost for our spirit, but the same can pull us down to the drain. It all depends which of type of those we wish to keep alive. If we are Easter people, then we will keep alive the positive memories, the wholesome memories, the lovely memories, the memories that give life, memories that build up and memories that rejuvenate. This is the Easter Call today: to get back to fall back on the wonderful things that God has done for us, specially in times of our troubles!

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