Thursday, October 25, 2018

The sign of being ONE

Friday, 29th week in Ordinary Time

October 26, 2018: Ephesians 4:1-6; Luke 12: 54-59

Looking at the situation around filled so much with hatred and violence, vengeance and treachery, gruesome competition and heartless development... should we not easily decipher what our call is as people of God? If we add to the number of those who perpetrate such a situation or even if we remain silent without questioning their logic, we are 'hypocrites' as Jesus calls today! 

At times it is pathetic looking at some discussions in the social network fora like the Facebook for example. I am only reminded of the fact that we can arouse a person who is sleeping, but not the one who pretends to be sleeping! It is true: for most of the problems today, it is not that we do not have a solution; actually, we do not want to arrive at it. 

Jesus gives his piece of mind to the pharisees and scribes, because he finds in them the hypocrisy of not choosing things that were so obviously towards the right. Its like these people on the social networks who, in spite of knowing who is at fault, keep making a hue and cry about things that are just opposed to truth merely because of their allegiances! The problems in the world are due to the lack of oneness of vision that afflicts us... each one with a selfish agenda, or groups with unfounded prejudices, classes with insensitive urge for advancement, persons with inhuman tendencies of manipulation and exploitation...these are persons who could not care less about the golden rule. They have a set of rules for themselves and a completely different one for others. These are people filled with discrepancies and disparities, and will be the least likely to enter the Reign of God. Are we in any chance among those in that list? 

We are challenged to stand up to the situation and give the world a sign that we can be ONE, One people, One heart, One mind, One society, One humanity, One family...united by the ONE LORD. In our own simple ways we are called to bear witness to this fact, beginning from our interior mentality and the inner circle of the family.

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