Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Live in Christ, live in truth

January 2, 2019

1 John 2:22-28; John 1: 19-28

The identity of Jesus as both God and Human was a major issue of controversies in the early Church. The first reading we have today is an indication to such feuds that existed. What matters, as John so rightly points out there, is not the philosophical and theological justification of who Jesus is,  but the personal experience of the person of Christ.

John warns the people against confusing what is truth and what is false! He says, if we have to know for sure that we are in truth, then we have to live in Christ. We need not wait to be told, because our anointing, our being in Christ, will itself reveal the truth to us. It did, to John the Baptist. When he had an ample opportunity to enjoy a bit of glory and adulation among the people who would have accepted him to be the Christ, he made it point blank that he was not the messiah! John knew the truth and stood for it. 

Knowing the truth, believing in it and living firmly holding on to it, are the signs of living in Christ. We have just begun a new year and we might be fresh with a lot of resolutions yet - why not think of this: living in Christ and living in truth!

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