Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The Name above every name: JESUS

January 3, 2019

Celebrating the name of Jesus
1 John 2:29 - 2:3; John 1:29-34
There was a moment when Peter looked at a lame man who begged at the temple gate, 'In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk" (Acts 3:6,16) - that was the first moment of realisation as to how powerful a name we have been gifted with! 

Jesus - the most beautiful and powerful name on earth and heaven, name above every other name (Phil 2:9), a name that would bring peace and solace to the disturbed and fear and trembling to the evil minded (Acts 4:17, 18). 

Celebrating the name of Jesus can bring us three messages to remember:
1. Jesus is the name that revealed God to us (Jn 1:18)
2. Jesus is the name given to the entire love of God shared with humanity
3. Jesus is the name in which we have received the power to call God Abba Father!

Yes, in celebrating the name of Jesus, we are celebrating the fact that we have known, and we know God! As John the Baptiser proclaims with such clarity, we need to tell the world: Yes, we have seen God; yes, we know God; yes, we have experienced God, because we have known Jesus! 

God has revealed Godself to us in and through the name of Jesus. This is both a gift and a challenge to us. As John invites us in his letter, if we have known God, then we must resemble God! In our thoughts, words, deeds and every day life we are challenged to resemble God, only then can we be called children of God. Jesus is a powerful name given to us, but we need to live worthy of that  name; knowing, loving and imitating God! 

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