Monday, March 23, 2020

By the streams of living water

THE WORD IN LENT - 4th week, Tuesday

March 24, 2020: Ezekiel 47:1-9,12; John 5: 1-3,5-16
Point for Dialogue #22: Life threatening situations and the Life giving waters!

The Springs of living waters, that fill us with life, health and joy are pictured today in the readings. With terms all around us such as affected, infected, quarantined, critical care, epidemic, pandemic and so on, which announce death and the fear of death, the Word speaks to us about new life, healing and the life giving streams! 

The life giving waters keep flowing on, it depends on us to approach it and drink from it. Jesus invites us, "Let anyone who is thirsty come to me; and let the one who believes in me, drink!" (Jn 7:37-38). It becomes crucial that we engage ourselves in the dialogue between the waters that the world offers - that of fear, anxiety and selfish concerns, and the waters that the Lord offers - that of new life, happiness and true joy.

We are planted by the stream that flows, that is, we are enlivened by the presence of the Lord who surrounds us each and every moment. True spirituality has to arise from there - based on the personal presence of God with us every moment of our life. Special places like the Church or the Sanctuaries and special moments like those of Eucharist and others, should be the springs from where the waters flow on into daily life, affecting our daily life, our every day thoughts, words and deeds! Even if these are placed in crisis, as it is happening right now, our communion with God and each other should be able to sustain itself. 

If that connection is lost or that flow is blocked, then we become lifeless vegetation that remains fruitless. Let us return to the Springs of living waters and make our daily life flourish, for the greater glory of God! Let us choose always to be by the streams of living water!

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