Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Plan, Project and Proclamation


March 25, 2020: Solemnity of Annunciation
Isaiah 7: 10-14,8:10; Hebrew 10:4-10; Luke 1: 26-38

God's salvific plan is an eternal design in God's endless love for us, the children of God. The feast of Annunciation is beautiful reminder of how every little thing that happens fits into the wonderful design of God. 

Inspite of the undeserving nature of persons as depicted by Ahaz episode in the first reading, inspite of the impossibility of conditions as expressed by Mary in the Gospel scene, inspite of the improbability of human calculations as evinced by the example of the aged Elizabeth, God's plan of salvation works, and works for the good of those who love God (cf. Phil 8:28). Looking at the situation that the world is facing right now - the crisis of the pandemic... we look at how helpless we are, how weak and vulnerable we are, how suspicious and dangerous we could grow to each other. Everything looks grim and gloomy but it is only a faithful heart that can behold the streak of light that comes through that gloom!

That which makes it possible is the willingness to carry out God's will. St. Paul affirms in his letter to the Romans, as one man's disobedience brought death into this world, so does one man's submission to God's will bring salvation to the entire human race! (Cf. Rom 5:19) Mary, is presented today as the type, the model, for human cooperation! We see in Mary's 'yes', the human version of the obedience of the Word Incarnate: "Behold, I come to do your will". She brings it much more closer and makes it more compelling on us, to listen to God's word, treasure it in our hearts and carry it out to the details, to be persons totally dedicated to live the will of God on a daily basis. 

In God's eternal plan, there is a project made for each of us and every time we cooperate with the plan of God, we proclaim in our own way the majesty of God's love for humanity, as does Mary today in her fiat. 

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