Sunday, March 22, 2020

Be calm and count your blessings!

THE WORD IN LENT - 4th week, Monday

March 23, 2020: Isaiah 65: 17-21; John 4: 43-54
Point for Dialogue #21: The Anxious me and the Grateful me!

Behold, I make all things new, declares the Lord. What a promise to behold, as we are all the time bogged down by the experience and news of the health crisis all over the world. Every day, in spite of the trials and difficulties we are showered with innumerable blessings. If only we are attune to every thing that happens in our life, we will be able to count our blessings, the blessings that make our life every day meaningful. 

If we start every day with the spirit of the Psalms that remind us: this is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it - we would profit by living that day with a grateful heart. It becomes so important today to initiate a dialogue between the anxious me and the grateful me! 

A grateful heart is a humble heart; a humble heart is a grateful heart! The more grateful we grow, the less anxious we become. The less anxious we become, the more holy we grow! The more holy we become, the more we shall realise how true it is that the Lord is in control! Let us never panic, for God is in charge. God who has blessed us all this while, will continue to bless and protect us! We are in the hands of the Lord - nothing can separate us from the love of God: neither sickness nor hunger, neither trials nor temptations, not even death! But one thing will - anxiety. Anxiety will lead to doubt and doubt to fear; where there is fear, there is no love!

The Lord who says in the Gospel, 'Go home and your son shall live,'... tells us, 'be calm, I am with you!' Let us stay firm and count our blessings; let us be grateful and remain firmly united to the Lord. And we will live a life that will be a blessing to us, and a blessing to all who are around us!

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