Saturday, May 15, 2010

Spirituality of Accompaniment - Reflexions

Lessons from the Risen Lord

The preventive system that Don Bosco lived and handed down to us is, needless to say, not merely a system, but a spirituality. It is a spirituality of presence with the young, a spirituality of concern for the young, a spirituality of love towards the young, a spirituality of living for the young – in summary – a Spirituality of Accompaniment!

The Spirituality of Accompaniment draws heavily from the Almighty. A look at the line and length of the assurances that God gives us through the Word, we see God being present with us, ‘before the foundation of the world’ (Eph. 1:4), ‘even before you were formed in the womb of your mother’ (Jer. 1:5) ‘till the end of times’ (Mt. 28:20). We have a God who accompanies!
The Old Testament bears a loud witness to this fact. We see a God who accompanied the people of Israel. God promised Moses, ‘I will be with you’(Exo 3:12) and to Joshua God said, ‘As I was with Moses, so I will be with you.’(Josh 1:5) The kings of Israel and Judah believed always that in all their successful campaigns the Lord had accompanied them; and the prophets substantiated it! The people of Israel considered the accompaniment of the Lord indispensable for their secure life. The Lord had assured them, ‘My presence shall go before thee’(Exo 33:14) and the people too made it very clear to the Lord, ‘if your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here.’(Exo 33:15) They rested assured that no evil can frighten them, as God was with them.(Cf. Ps 23:4)
The Highest expression of God accompanying humanity unfolds in the person of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God. ‘The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.’(Jn 1:14) In His seeking out the sinners, being with the tax collectors, constant interaction with the so called commoners, Jesus revealed a God who is more than longing to accompany people although their lives. Jesus proves a great and challenging model in our call to accompany the young as a ministry. (2b continued...)

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